Sunday, November 27, 2011

ChesseBox Day

I'm TAN. Shitttttt! I need to get away from the sun light more

After a year, we finally met and catch up a lot. So much things to chit chat. CheeseBox make us bloated~ Here are few photos of us. It's been so long since we get together. Studying overseas really make it harder to meet up and we're from two different cities.

So fair. You're making me look TAN! LOL

Onion Rings!

Tomorrow is working day again so I guess it's back to Reality when I wake up tomorrow. Fun is just a moment, not for long. But I'm satisfied with my holidays.

Good Day!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Lunch, snap shots, chit chat, eat non stop! LIKEY! =D

With Annie~ Ex-colleague from office

Hmmmmm. Full till explode!

Us!!!!!!! *Happy moment*

Cnt get enough of her PLAYFUL personality. HAHA! Young at heart

Kaizhen with colleagues & friends

Jessie's Birthday!

My fresh cream Birthday cake for mom! My treat!

Sis's bought for Mom's birthday. It's Durian Flavour! Yummy max!

Colleague's Birthday! Cocktail cake! I feel fat now~

November had suck and drain my money but it's still worth the treats! Birthdays and wedding celebrations everywhere to attend and spent on. Memories are made for my life so come on, let's just enjoy life. I ate so much this month, all FOODS are absorbed to my tummy and it's growing in my body. But I like coz it has always been my THOUGHT to be juicy. It's late, I gotta go sleep now.

Good Night!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bad Skin!

Oh boy! It's been so long since I last updated my blog. I'm so busy recently as functions comes and go like wind but I love it when my schedule is tight. I love it when I get home tired and have fun all day long. I finally replace my old spec with a fashion spec with degree which cost so cheap! It's SALES MONTH so my money flow out slowly. Chinese New Year ahead soon in January 2012 makes NOVEMBER and DECEMBER a super duper MONEY MONTH!

My skin had gone a little wild and bad lately due to tired and not having the time to pay attention to my fugly skin. But thanks to this Etude House that remove my chin's dirts and pores!