Adorable Pudding!
My beloved girlfriends time~

Sunset with bestie was beautiful
Adorable Pudding!
Sunset with bestie was beautiful
I'm like this right now ==!
Made by feedah's sis gifted to everyone. It's cookies! Ain't it cute with the LCB's logo. the stick accidentally broken when she put it in her bag.
This was a farewell gift from me to Mr.Prakash, it's pretty cool for a lecturer for him
It's written " World Number One Award, You're the world real number one. Your knowledge and talent together with your caring and helpful nature really sets u apart. You're truly a champion. You're worth your weight in gold."
College is a place where memories happened for many resaons
Notice these two babies hamsters are actually HUGGING EACH OTHER!! CUTEST BABIES!! I love the brown one!
Babies all crawling near to each other as they have less fur makes them feel colder
All black colours like their parents, only one was born light brown which I adored the most
Happy that we found each other
As years passed by, we have grown up maturely in time. It feels like a dream came true, a love story since the age of teens to the life of adulthoods. Seeing that you achieved success in life made me satisfied and I hope to see myself achieving and being productive in the future just like you did too. I really like this picture of you in the expo, looking so smart and...thin. HEHE!! xD
Feedah, the birthday girl on the left !
Hehe! Ayu with her chocolate strawberry icecream scoop and me with my BANANA SPLIT! Finally get to taste and try it at Swenson. I loved their Ice creams! So tempting.*YUM*
NG shots! firah spoil my pose! Hahhahahah!! But natural so it's not quite a bad 'pose'
students committees babes!
Lecturers enjoying the activities
Heights are cool!
Flying Fox Water activity
Walking and hanging on dear life and then jumping into the river..Cool!
Firah the Camera Girl, first attempt to take pics.Looked pro here.HAHA!
With the girls
With pwetty Ida ~
into the JUNGLE! I likey~
the guy showering the horses with DETTOL and water.Horses are enjoying the cleanliness
The horse is actually looking at me with his side view..HAHAH! CUTE! Wish I could ride on the horse ~
Hostel is the only thing that I dislike, jungle is just outside
With Sarah ~
Dance Mate!
With Dorothy and Sarah
"Come on, let's join the dance floor"..Bring it on!!
Get the party started!
DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!! The night is still young ~
Chilling at lobby taking a lil break from dancing
Back to hostel with Feedah ~
The Group Pic! Love this!
Otw back from Miri vain ~