Drinking Cereal with Milk, no more solid foods
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Pray for the World

Luke 21: 25-28
There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Explanation: - As you can see, it’s obviously the natural disasters that have been going on in many countries. Tossing of the sea referring to the tsunami that hit many places. There are always reason why they're being punished that way. It’s sad to see many sinners are increasing, more killings, robbery, abuse, antichrist and a lot more that I see in news nowadays. But the world is passing away soon as the bible had repeated the time is near. If you need to seek salvation from God, be committed for you will be bless and going to the Kingdom of God for eternity.

Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.
Monday, March 28, 2011
My Biggest Nightmare

There was no choice but immediately sent to the emergency in Ripas. By the time I got there, I couldn’t even talk properly already but I managed to explain to the doctor. The doc used his fingers put inside my mouth and press my jaw so tightly and with great force to move it back to shape again. I was relieved my jaw dislocation was moved back to normal. But after few minutes, it dislocated AGAIN and the doc was gone for awhile leaving me in the emergency room. I roll and sobbed on the bed, praying to God to save this pain I’m suffering. Finally, another doctor came and saved me. At that moment, right after the doc put back my jaw in shape.
Immediately, she press tightly on my jaw and wrapped my face in bandage. To be surely that I don’t experience dislocation when I’m home, I was admitted to the ward where I suffered twice painful jaw dislocation again when the bandage came off. I was not allowed to talk, open, smile, laugh with my mouth for that whole night and day. I troubled myself worrying I am going to lose weight coz I was not allowed to chew or bite foods for this one month. I just can drink. I am getting better now but I don’t know when will I be fully recovered.
For now, I just feel pretty bad coz I can’t even brush my teeth properly as I can’t open widely and freely. I lost part of my freedom temporary and I want to wake up from this nightmare to see everything BACK TO NORMAL, please.
I know Life is not perfect at all. There are times we need to appreciated our own life coz you never know what will happen to you when nightmare comes knocking at your door. We need to be strong to faced everything in this world, even how bad it goes. Life still go on . . . .
In the emergency room
Sad =(
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
FckiN' Perfect 21th Bday Party
Acted 'Young' on the night I turned 21!!
My 21th birthday party was amazing, fun and get me all WET to the max! I know at the age of 21 is suppose to be entering the adulthood but it doesn’t means that the celebration must be very adult-like. In fact, the celebration was so young and fun coz we rented a Titanic Fun Slide bouncer. We splashed, jumped, slide, kicked, pouring water, throwing water balloons for the whole day for my party at bestie’s house. I am so thankful that Bestie was allowed to borrow her place for making my party a big hit and success. Her gift for me at 12am sharp was so meaningful coz I never receive anyone making a craft of a huge board with our photos made by her. Lovely indeed!
Baby helping so much with the party to happen successfully also touched my heart instantly as you know it’s not easy, he worked so hard for my party and he deserved my love. My Pitbull sista gave me the most simple yet touching greeting card. Seriously I loved it coz I adored it when you wrote it out from the bottom of your heart, I will never throw it away. Sometimes the most simple and little things can drive you crazy and happy coz it contains so much meaning and loves there.
I wanna thanks everyone that attended my party and making my birthday party a total memorable one. LIFE IS FUCKING GOOD!!


Girls will always be girls! Scared TTM
Whooootss!!! NICE SHOT!
Boys will always be boys! They got mind full of creative ways to get HEAD BANG!

Threesome down the pool


Since I am already a ‘Big Girl,’ but my heart will stay young and cheerful as always. In fact, I really hope I stay the way I am now. Being an adult doesn’t mean you have to act even more serious in your personalities and be cooler. Even how much you changed, there will always be an inner child in you. But entering this age also means you need to have options and directions in life. There are things in life that we have to sacrifice away to achieve another option which is also part of the stressful thoughts to deal with.

But life still goes on!! So better enjoy all the OPTIONS and CHOICES before it slips out of your hand!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Bully is Bullshit

I bet everyone have names being called which annoyed you way back when you were young in elementary school moments. Well, I was being called the skinny, stupid girl. Calling me stupid seriously made me boiled like a mad woman. I only got furious when people called me stupid for real. If they’re joking then it doesn’t hit me at all. Maybe due to the fact that I was always the girl that sucks in studying, being the worst in math subject every year’s class and getting the lowest marks. It makes me felt so negative and furious that I remembered I pushed all the anger to a girl that kept bossing around and treating me like bullshit just because she was the best student in my class. I taught her a lesson and let her get hit for once. Anger can’t be judge when you’re really pissed. Ever since that day, she stopped.
Don’t let words treated you or made you felt depress coz people that bullied are trying to make themselves looked tough and not weak. But deep down, they have been bullied in the past. Just like the way they choose their targets and bullied them. Let’s make the world a better place, bullying does not help but created burdens that changed a kid’s view in life. Think how much you have changed a fragile heart of a child, how terribly bad you have done to her childhood memories. You ought to feel ashamed of it.
Don’t worry about people from the past, there is a reason why they didn’t make it to the future.
We always wanted our life to be easy but think again,
if life is easy then we wouldn’t learn anything,
If life is easy, we won’t change and grow up.