I bet everyone have names being called which annoyed you way back when you were young in elementary school moments. Well, I was being called the skinny, stupid girl. Calling me stupid seriously made me boiled like a mad woman. I only got furious when people called me stupid for real. If they’re joking then it doesn’t hit me at all. Maybe due to the fact that I was always the girl that sucks in studying, being the worst in math subject every year’s class and getting the lowest marks. It makes me felt so negative and furious that I remembered I pushed all the anger to a girl that kept bossing around and treating me like bullshit just because she was the best student in my class. I taught her a lesson and let her get hit for once. Anger can’t be judge when you’re really pissed. Ever since that day, she stopped.
Don’t let words treated you or made you felt depress coz people that bullied are trying to make themselves looked tough and not weak. But deep down, they have been bullied in the past. Just like the way they choose their targets and bullied them. Let’s make the world a better place, bullying does not help but created burdens that changed a kid’s view in life. Think how much you have changed a fragile heart of a child, how terribly bad you have done to her childhood memories. You ought to feel ashamed of it.
Don’t worry about people from the past, there is a reason why they didn’t make it to the future.
We always wanted our life to be easy but think again,
if life is easy then we wouldn’t learn anything,
If life is easy, we won’t change and grow up.
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