The Best thing I have received during an age of 21 is the Key to the office and my own email address of the company. The moment I was handed the key makes me feel like my trustworthy was being built after these few months. All I know I'm going to fly by myself and start learning all the greatest and smallest in life and career. I want to succeed and aim for what I have targeted. Nobody want to crash down their future, we all work hard for years and something will always come along to bring you to the road of success. After all the difficulties, you will find a way one day coz God has a bigger plan for you than we had for ourselves.
It wasn't easy for a newbie at first but after what you have achieve, you will feel proud in the end. I have been praying to God for answer and he's always there to speak to me through the words of spiritual books and Bible. To all Christians out there, please read the words of God daily so he can communicate with you about your problems. It's important how we have to eat the words of God daily just like a daily bread. This is not a joke coz God had shown me through the words of Bible whenever I have difficulties and questions to ask Him. It's amazing how he drawn my faith and love closer to Him.

Since I was a child, I loved God so much that I didn't dare to lie and speak the truth only coz I learned about what is Sin that was so cruel. I remembered I was so innocent and pure. Part of the time, I was just a playful brat that would make my tiring parents mad. I would nagged my parents to bring me to Sunday School even though I don't have a single friend there. I was always lonely there except the attention from the teachers. I was always wishing that God can take me away to Heaven where no pains, suffering and sins exist. I was always praying all the innocence things to God. Thinking back makes me miss the innocence that was once in me. God didn't take my life maybe I wasn't ready and He need me to spread his words so that all lost souls can be save. But He is only coming for a Holy people, not double-minded.
For Christians, they do not fear what is troubling for their souls coz they can be save after life on judgement day except double minded Christians can't be save. Sometimes, I wondered myself that judgement day sounds scary coz it's like seeing whether you succeed in Life. If you did not pass Life and names are not written in the book of Life, you're thrown into the lake of fire. So, be ready to face the Reality and After Life. Accept Christ and pray for your sins to be washed, spread the gospels of God and let the Holy Spirit be with you all.
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