I have my hair cut and dyed. Actually, I wasn’t in the mood to go out but I have to coz my hair is losing its shape and black hair have grew back a lot and I’ll be going back to Bandar pretty soon for college reopen. Bought two package of dyed box from KB small Soon Lee and saw Michelle yang’s MUM. She waved at me to come over and chat awhile about my license, college life and some advice which driving teacher she need to choose for Michelle yang. Good luck for your exams and after A’level, must get your license pass with flying colors, ok? I have faith in you, must do well. You’re one hardworking person but laziness can be the disease of human so get motivation. I remember how you taught me math before with so much patience but I knew inside you were about to THROW BLOOD coz I am like the biggest loser when it comes to CALCULATION and math. HAHAHAHA!! So you must do well for your form6..gambateh!! Just think nothing can make you fall, be strong like a wall and study hardcore.
HOLIDAYS is about to end like damn soon coz college reopen on next MONDAY. Oh boy, I don’t know whether I should be EXCITED, HAPPY OR JUST WONDERING.
Firstly, I might be excited coz,
I miss my college mates and I am excited to see them all again once more. I hope everyone will appreciate this last semester of college. There are uncountable experience and memories I left in this college and I just feel like I am beginning to adapt to it. I learnt from being friendly and good in making new friends. They are great and helpful. No uniform and no rules that you can’t bring your mobile and gadgets. But there are some rules that I hate to. Oh well, RULES exists in everywhere, right? Even a simple college does.
Secondly, I might be happy coz,
I felt satisfied and happy during this one month holidays as I get to spent more time with my kb good friends and bestie that I have not hang up often when I was way back in Bandar. I missed them like hell during college days. Also, I have passed my college critical result and driving license too. Everything is going great although I encountered some trouble during the progress of studying so hard and also the learning of fucking parking. ==’’
Thirdly, I might be wondering
Whether I will be happy in this last semester of college, I just hope there’s no trouble happening anymore which we have encountered before in both bad and good times. In every semester of college, there was something changed and I wonder will this semester be the same. I wondered if I will be able to cope with it. Basically, there are no worries but just wondering how people will changed through. College had thought me a lot of things in meeting new people and faces in reality, people that you can trust and also to be aware. But most importantly, I have already made friends that are worth to be loved and cared there. I will in return appreciate all the little things in this half year time and tried to cope with new things.