My Raya Holidays just ended so quickly and meaningless. I am unsatisfied with this short holiday. I wished I could drive myself back to my hometown and meet the girls. Living so far away from civilization is what I hate the most. Distance is the BIGGEST PROBLEM, I have my license but yet not allowing to use it alone coz I am very much not experience yet.
In fact, today I am just feeling so bad mood. I’ll be going back to Bandar tonight and going to miss going to CHMS Moon day festival function later due to nobody bring me. It sucks a lot for this whole holiday! It’s just not satisfying enough and I hate it so much. Sometimes, I go mad and crazy if I am facing the same old routine every day. I am one of the people who need excitement as often as possible. One week without excitement make my mood down.
Anyway, I met a stranger cat during this holiday when I am alone at home. He came to me for foods so I feed him. I am not sure whether he’s a stray but he’s always around my area and being a friendly accompany couldn’t be so bad for me.
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