Let me tell you a boy who changed my life,

He came into my life when I was just 16 years old. I was depressed for that year coz I lost everyone and nobody was there for me during my worst state. I was always in despaired and hence I made more people went out of my life. I went through the worst stage of my life that I don’t have anyone to share my burden and grief. Days went by and still grief was inside me trying to escape from my lungs. Eventually I seek social life outside school and made new friends but it didn’t helped much.
Months passed by, I met this guy that happened to lived in the same area as me. We became friends and stay in contact every 24/7. Texted from morning till night falls with him. We often chat on the phone too. He was something special coz I was brave enough to face and told him all my burdens and immediately he consulted me so well and very precise. Hearing his consults to my problems began to heal my inner side.
He was the one that made me stand up and find back myself again, not be afraid to move on. Just appreciate and learnt to live your life happily and positive people will eventually come into your life. We taught each other so many things in these 4 years and still staying tight even when we met through storms and after the Rain, we are still loving as ever.
Flying kiss to you. MUAKS!
Enjoy the photos of the day~ =))

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