Gone visited my cousin that came back from Canada. It was great to have family gathering once in awhile although it kind of boring to me as all elderly were chatting and the youngsters just sit there and kept eating all the foods they offered. My little cousin, Katherine by the age of 15 years old looked a little older than me. Although we were cousins but our relationship wasn’t close, we just smiled and said hey to each other and that’s it. I can see the effort that her dad tried to make us talk by telling Katherine to get her I-Touch to show us some of her horse riding pictures but it didn’t helped us talked much too. She was quiet with us coz she didn’t know us well. Her dad told me grandma got 12 grandchildren. That’s a lot!

a photo of Katherine when she was young..the horse so ADORABLE!

all my uncles and aunts' married photos includin family photos. very CLASSIC WALL!
I am not close with any of my young cousins and I really wished I have one. I always see people having close cousins in their family seem so much fun and loving. But I used to have one closest cousin of the same age as me when I was young. We lived next to each other house and we went cycling, played and just spending time together. But when we grew up, our relationship grew apart till now. I haven’t seen her for ages after she finished high school.

Innocent dog, very cute at cousin's house

Another puppy which looked fierce and guard the house
I guess it’s meant to be that I don’t have any close relationship cousins since we were all far apart. Sometimes I do feel a little lonely inside but at least I am not lonely outside this family field. That’s also the reason why my friends are important to me coz they’re like sisters to me and they never failed to make me feel part of their love especially my best friend. Sometimes I feel like I am treating her like a sister and someone that I cared. I might not know how to be a good sister but I know how to be a good friend to accompany and talk to. Coz I talked with emotions and action, sometimes without notice giving them entertainment.
Here's a classic picture for today's topic
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