If you want to control your emotions, you have to control your thoughts. “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
Here are guides that I’m going to share from the New York Times Best Selling Author called Sherry Argov about going through relationship.
“How To Stop Thinking about Him?”
1. Whenever you think of him, STOP
2. Consciously replace the thoughts of him with another thought of activity
3. It must be a feel-good activity thought or activity
4. The key is to DISTRACT yourself, immediately
5. Do this repeatedly, each time he pops into your head
6. Get creative, immediately turn on your favourite show, eat your favourite meal, go to gym, or get out for a walk
7. Each and every time you think of you, - Without exception – Stop the worry and pain and force yourself to experience the opposite. Do something that feels good.
The questions that Sherry Argov often heard from women are “How do I stop thinking of him?” How do I stop caring so much? If you’re on a diet, you can’t think about chocolate cake constantly, right? Same goes for relationship. For example, when children cry, you distract them with toy.

You have to break the downward of negativity and force yourself on positive things that have nothing to do with him. If you do these 10 times a day for few days, you will break the habit of obsessing over him.
This is how you lift the pain and pull yourself back up by your own bootstraps

Be free again and find back your inner soul
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