Recently, I’m glad that finally after 20 years of being a Christian. I finally see people around me getting to know God a little better. I prayed for the beloved people I care and to protect them not being hurt and he had answered my prayers.
Here are some things we should understand God:
If God answer your prayer, he increased your faith;
If he delays, he increased your patience;
If he doesn’t answer, he has something better for you.
I have to thanks my dad for bringing my family into Christian before he was gone. He was someone that I looked up to and also a member of family that I’m the closest with. When I was young, I woke up every morning and spent time with him till night falls. He read me stories and prayed together before we go to sleep. But he got really ill and was always in and out of the hospital for years fighting for cancer suffering so much pain, but yet he became stronger in Christianity that none of us can be that powerful as him. He was able to communicate and felt God and Holy Spirit.
It was one time, he got so ill that he was struggling and fighting for his last breath in the hospital. All the doctors rushed to help but it failed and finally they all surrounded him to watch till his last breath as he struggled and slowly experienced blur vision and difficulty breathing in pain. It was the moment that he thought of my mom and the next day was my 9years old birthday. He couldn’t bear to see us in pain of his death especially during my birthday too. Then he cried out so loud across the wards to God telling him to show his miracle to people that he can SAVE him. Immediately before his LAST BREATHE, he was able to breathe normally and see things clearly. He calm down and thanks God for saving his last breathe.
The next day, the doctors called us to visit and we rushed to the hospital. He was fine and smiling as usual seeing us and then shared the miracle he encountered that night. We were pretty shocked. After 6 months, he passed away peacefully without any last words as he couldn’t wake up when the sickness strike. It was devastating for us, I was too young to face lost but I’m still brought up well. God has given my dad 6 months to live with us before he is taken to heaven and he won’t suffer in pain again. I don’t blame God for taking him away as I had cherished all the moments with him and also the additional 6months to live with us, to let us appreciate him more.

There are a lot more miracles and signs that I have encountered with God throughout my life and this is one of the amazing miracle I have received.
If there is a meeting, there is a farewell but the memories are forever =’)
There are duties for every Christians, it is for us to spread the God almighty to people so that their sins are washed away and their soul can be saved. I used to think it’s not an easy task to do as I didn’t know how to preach to people. But I realized that I was wrong coz one day I was randomly telling stories about God’s miracles regarding a child to my mom and somehow it open her heart. She said to me that I have learnt so much and my words were able to open her heart again. It was then I realized I am all grown up and mature to spread gospels to people.
I still read bible when I asked God about my difficulties or problems in times, he was always there to show me answers through the verses in the bible. He always have his ways to show people his answers with different signs, especially his blessings are so nourishing when you actually felt him watching over you.

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