This is one of the Seria, new village dog. He followed anyone who bought foods when we watched basketball competition. He’s one good pal to everyone in the basketball court. Not afraid and always chilled with us. He always searched for foods and I used to let him eat more so he can stay a little longer with me. Well, he’s always been there for all of us. Just like a supporting audience to the basketball players with us. He was recently injured by some heartless people. His body was all in pain and flesh were seen. The CAS ( Care and Actions for Strays ) brought along a vet and he said this dog was poured by hot water and burnt his skin. He’s now in well hand by the CAS and I hope someone can adopt him. It is better he get heal and be adopt than suffer again by heartless souls at Seria new village. But I am glad he’s still alive now. Now is just waiting for someone to give him a home. If I don’t have dog now, I would have reconsider on having him but I can’t have more than two dogs. It’s a lot of hard work and not an easy task.

My Doggies
I had my white dog for around two years now but the brown dog had died earlier but I am still gona post it here. I don’t give them names but my mom called the white dog Poppy. From all the dogs I had before. This is the first time I had dogs that really love to LICK people. When I just walk pass, they licked my legs and even when I just pat them, they also want to lick my hands. It’s like they loved KISSING people. After played with them, I am in dogs saliva and needed a bath for sure. Here are some pictures of my white dos and the brown dog.
They used to played and did things together since a baby when we brought them home. They were the best brothers with very different attitudes. But when they were grown up, their relationship changed for the worst. White and brown dogs were getting really nasty and very mischievous. They bite our rubbish at backyard and made a mess to all the surrounding of my house, bite our slippers to spoil. The worst was they bite my house’s fench to get out the house and CHASED other cars in our small area. Until one day, a malay man saw our dog outside and asked us to tied him coz my dog was too near to his car. We have no choice to give the dogs much freedom anymore coz they were becoming very mischievous and hard to control.
"Fuck u, Stop taking pic of me..I DON'T WANT"
He loved to carried almost ANYTHING on his mouth and walked around with it..CUTE!
This is the way he looks when he manja people..Can close your leg, very EMBARASSING!
"oK,amery..I will close my leg as long you don post in FB..NYEH NYEH NYEH
He loves to see sightings climbing like that
Looking so comfy standing up than sitting dowm..HAHA!!
HAHAHA!! BEHIND THE actually funny to see dog wanting to stand up!
Grown UP
The two brothers BEFORE
loving and caring..
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