It’s around 5.30am in the morning and don’t ask why I am still awake at this time. I hate it when I can’t get my sleep after midnight. I am just wondering whether it’s my problem. Recently, when my mind is so awake that I only slept when the sun rise and awake for the whole night. It’s worse than having a nightmare. I don’t know what’s wrong in me or is it something wrong. My mind is so active now that I am actually blogging in this early morning.
My fan is not working properly at the moment. It died out suddenly without warning and I was shocked to see it turns its old wings slower every minutes. After more than 10minutes, it started to turn its wings stronger till the engine start working and I am satisfied to be blown by its wind smoothly and cooling. I was half chatting in msn when suddenly POOF!…there was blackout and it’s my first time experienced away from home alone and have to faced all these nasty problems by myself. My whole area was in darkness outside too. Neighbour dogs started barking madly and I don’t care. SHIT! I didn’t remember where my sis put all those candles and lighters. My room was only filled with the sound of movie from my laptop. It was dark and I had to carry my laptop to shine through all the drawers to find the freaking candles. Finally sweating and lighting three candles in my room. And then get back to my chatting in msn. I felt proud to be able to face all the problems alone. After awhile, current was back but I still couldn't sleep. I knew I am brave enough to face many things as time flies and any moment, I could be on my own feet making big dreams. I am going to bed now and hopefully I'll be sleeping soundly for this beautiful morning. Good Morning for ALL and zzZZZZZZZZz....*to LALA LAND*

"Don't wake me up till afternoon or I bite ya, RAWR! "
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